Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day in Jordan!

Hi All. . . we are ready to come home. . . we have seen everything we planned to see and have experienced the way of life in the middle east. . . a nice place to visit, but they definitely need a serious "adopt a highway" program (trash is everywhere!) and the whole place needs to be powerwashed!!!

This morning we left fairly early for a trip to Jerash and Ajlun Castle. . . a lot of antiquity stuff that all starts to blend together! It is fasinating though when you see the foundations built by the Greeks and then the Romans built on top of that and then more groups and the Turks during the Ottoman Empire, but, enough of that. . . I'm starting to sound like a certain son of mine after a night of adult beverages!

By the way, the wine here and in Egypt was HORRIBLE! we have been drinking Egyptian Stella. . . not bad.

We will see all of you very soon . . . All our love,
Mom and Dad